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My very personal post – Part 2 – Find your WHY

Last updated on August 15, 2024

Why your "Why" is so important

My very personal post – Part 2
Why your WHY is so important for working with your customer.

Category: Introduction
Today: Rainer Grimm – Part 2

<img draggable=About the picture

I am currently working on a modular video series for my client Rainer Grimm. This should help to make his mentoring programs more visible as well as raise awareness for the topic of ALS. The plan is to edit and output the video series in OBS “on the fly”.

Note: Yes, I know Alexander Müller. I’m fishing in your area right now 😀. But you should know that I shot my first videos back in 1989 (Sony V200). I look forward to your valued feedback as soon as we launch 🙏

<img draggable=The challenge

Rainer was diagnosed with ALS just over a year ago. He is now in a wheelchair and needs a breathing mask to help him speak. And as long as we can maintain communication, we will be able to find a channel to his customers. That’s why we decided to create a video series that can convey his program and his fight for ALS audiovisually.

<img draggable=My WHY

A good 10 years ago there was the so-called icebucketchallenge. People almost got a kick out of tipping a bucket of ice cube water over their heads. The good thing about it. These self-staged videos drew attention to the incurable disease ALS. And exactly 10 years later, I’m working with Rainer, who was diagnosed with the disease just over a year ago. It gives my work meaning and purpose, as I can do my small part to create more visibility for this rare and incurable disease.

<img draggable=Call for …

Please support Rainer on his journey to continue working for and with ALS. He is currently looking for a transportation vehicle so that he can leave the house in his wheelchair. He would like to visit friends, go to the beer garden or give talks in the neighborhood. If you can offer help here, please get in touch!

<img draggable=My tip – Find a purpose in your existence that you pursue

It feels good and you feel valued when you have a job or activity that creates meaning. Your “why” plays a decisive role in this. Some want to apply a visible “footprint” and leave something valuable for posterity. Others volunteer to help people who need help or support. NOW is the right time. Go for it!

<img draggable=And last but not least …

I wish you all all the best, stay healthy, curious and enjoy life. Because you won’t get together this young again.

Best regards
Matthias Lechner

Sources & useful links

Image Material: Matthias Lechner
MC++ Blog & News:
MC++ Mentoring:
Rainer´s ALS Journey: Next Steps (13/n)

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ALS yourwhy icebucketchallenge cooperation inspiration c++ moderncpp modernescpp rainergrimm designdenken

Matthias´ Passion ist Design und Technologie in Einklang zu bringen. Sein Lieblingszitat stammt von Albert Einstein:
"Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vorneherein ausgeschlossen erscheint."
Diese Ermutigung immer an das Unmögliche zu glauben, treibt ihn an Visionen umzusetzen. Matthias Lechner hat an der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee – Hochschule für Gestaltung Produktdesign studiert.